Industrial Management

Bachelor's degree
The Curriculum includes fundamental, general engineering disciplines and specializing subjects such as Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Business Planning, Management, Human Resources Management, Production Management, Money Market, Pricing etc; laboratories, seminars and training practices. The training ends with a State exam. The alumni receive a state diploma of higher education with professional qualification of “Engineer – Manager”.
By studying certain faculty subjects, covering the required manufacturing practice and after successfully passing all theoretical and practical exams the graduates also obtain certificates of professional qualification as “Assistant Manager”. Those who have graduated the specialty can find jobs in all departments of companies involved with the organization and management of the manufacturing processes; in the logistic departments, which are solving problems with the material flows management and optimization, the stock management, the transport and handling processes; in the sales and marketing departments of industrial enterprises. The acquired knowledge and skills allow graduates to occupy positions at all hierarchical levels of management. They may continue their study to next lever of the Higher Education – “master’s degree”.
of Transport Management
Department of Technology, Organization and Management of Transport
Contact person:
Prof. Eng. Mirena Mironova Todorova, PhD
Department page: